Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear John

Yesterday me and friends went to see a movie. Our friend picked the movie. That movie was called Dear John. Before the movie I knew nothing about it. It turned out to be this really sad depressing movie where a special forces guy meets a girl when he goes back to his town for a couple weeks. Of coarse they fall in love. Oh and no matter if you see a review that says there isn't any inappropriate parts in it , there is so don't take kids not prepared for it. Later he goes back to the army and she dumps him for another guy and marries him. Her new guy ends up having cancer. He starts dying. And at the end a couple years later her and the army guy John, eyes meet through a coffee shop window. The end. It was terrible and I do recommend this movie under any circumstances. She was so clingy the whole time she just would hang on him.

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